


As a photographer I spend a lot of my spare time online admiring the work of other photographers, learning and "meeting" other photographers with the same style and interests. 

Today the world is a little lighter than the day before, but many hearts are much more heavy.  Photographers around the world are mourning the loss of our friend’s daughter Ava.  She was so full of life and laughter, a true beacon of happiness.  Sheye, my thoughts are with you, your family and your sweet Ava.  She will never be forgotten.


Photos by Sheye Rosemeyer, banner by Carrie Young.

Hug your children tighter tonight, cherish those fleeting moments of childhood, and be for thankful the precious gifts given to you.

  1. Sabreena says:

    Tiff- This is so beautifully worded! I wanted to post this on my blog as well, but couldn’t find the words. Thank you for saying what we are all feeling right now. My prayers are with Sheye and her family and I am squeezing my 3 year old a little tighter.

  2. Beautifully said Tiff! I just posted a little tribute to Ava on my blog as well. This has been a heart wrenching week. Sheye and her family continue to be in my prayers.


ABOUT tiffany

I'm a photographer based in Boise, ID that specializes in helping you record your family history through all it's stages. From brand new, to their senior year, and beyond. 

Over the last 18+ years, I've served hundreds of families, played with thousands of kiddos, and told a million punny jokes in order to create magic for families across Boise, Meridian, Eagle and the surrounding Idaho areas. And I'd be honored to do the same for you! After all, I was voted Best Family Photographer in Boise.