

My Gift


As a photographer I am often told that the memories I create for the families I photograph is a gift.  I recently joined a wonderful organization called the American Child Photographers Charity Guild.  The ACGCP is an organization of professional photographers who donate their time and services to families of terminally ill children.  This last week I had my first ACGCP photoshoot for an amazing family and their newborn daughter.  Another photographer friend and I arrived at the hospital Friday night right after this sweet little darling was born.  We photographed her first few hours of life, the amazing family and their friends, the nurses and doctors working with the family, and more importantly we created a tangible memory for this family to have of their daughter who’s life was far too short.  This beautiful baby girl passed away on Saturday afternoon.  My thoughts are with you and your family, sweet baby.


  1. Kelly says:

    I can’t even imagine losing a child. The photos are just precious. What an amazing gift!


ABOUT tiffany

I'm a photographer based in Boise, ID that specializes in helping you record your family history through all it's stages. From brand new, to their senior year, and beyond. 

Over the last 18+ years, I've served hundreds of families, played with thousands of kiddos, and told a million punny jokes in order to create magic for families across Boise, Meridian, Eagle and the surrounding Idaho areas. And I'd be honored to do the same for you! After all, I was voted Best Family Photographer in Boise.