This is Miss “E’s” older sister, Miss “A” who I’ve gotten to photograph since she was a newborn. I’ve got some images that I’ve captured of her over the last few months during her sister’s sessions that I just had to share. Miss “A” cracks me up every time I see her and then the laughs keep coming as I look through the images and remember how silly she was. Seriously, this girl is a hoot and I have a wonderful time playing with her when I’m photographing her. During her sister’s 8 month session she ran in a big loop around the location we were at and every time she caught site of me she would shout, “OH NO!!” with a huge smile and a perfectly O shaped mouth. Oh my gosh, I can still hear her saying it when I look at the images. She totally cracks me up!! So, since I shared images from 3 sessions with her sister yesterday, I’ll share images from 3 sessions of her today and 1 little sneak peek image from her 3 year session from last week (she’s getting so big!). She’s a hoot!
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And remember, when this session spotlight receives 10+ comments or facebook comments here on the blog they receive a special gift from me! Comment away!